What Text Font Will You Use?

You're ready to write your book, but what type of text font do you desire to use inside your book? If you are self-publishing, this is an especially important question. The text font and size will directly affect the layout of your book. We have shared multiple text fonts using a 6X9 book trim for your convenience. As you review this text, consider your audience. What would appeal to them? If in doubt, conduct a survey to determine what they like best. 

Choosing Your Font

Reedsy.com shares ten suggested fonts for your book. They are as follows.

  1. Garamond
  2. Caslon
  3. Baskerville
  4. Sabon
  5. Dante
  6. Bembo
  7. Janson
  8. Bison
  9. Captain Comic
  10. Pequena Pro

What do you think? Check out our free downloadable resource to help you decide what type of font and size you prefer.

Resource: 10 Brilliant Fonts for Your Book Layout, https://blog.reedsy.com/guide/book-design/book-fonts/.